Let Your Heart Lead
In our western understanding and practice of yoga, usually we are focused on the mind: tending to the technique, the flows the balance between right and left side, and the discipline of the practice. As one founding father of yoga so eloquently said it, “Yoga has become a glorification of the stretching of the hamstrings.” Similarly, we focus on the body… where’s the knee in relation to the toes? Are my palms up or down? Where is my gaze.
Dear ones, none of this takes us to the heart of yoga. Yoga is not the poses or the flows, nor the position of the tailbone nor which tips of the fingers touch which…. None of this yoga. These things, dear One, are the pathway to Yoga… Yoga is what we are… and the mind and body are the pathways we follow to find our way back to the heart, where we find the practice of yoga (and ultimately the meaning of our lives) bloom forth.
This is what we will focus our attention on in this week’s yoga practice…. This week’s Sunday morning Yoga Church is alll about letting your HEART lead your practice… and inevitably, letting your heart lead your life… (because this is exactly where God, however you define him/her/it) lives and shines forth into your life.
Looking sooo forward to being with you…
Come if you are called.
You’ll be SO grateful you did (and so will I).
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